Financial Freedom Seeker

Sarah Thompson

Sarah Thompson

Demographic Info: Age: 32, Gender: Female, Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Occupation: Marketing Manager at a mid-sized company
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration
Income Level: $80,000 per year
Goals or Tasks:
  1. Monitor and manage her personal and savings accounts.
  2. Transfer funds between her accounts and to other bank accounts.
  3. Pay her monthly bills and track her expenses.
  4. Apply for loans or credit cards when needed.
  5. Manage her investments and get financial advice.
User's Environment: Lives in a downtown apartment, often on-the-go. Mostly accesses her bank account using the US Bank mobile app on her iPhone. Occasionally uses a desktop at work or her laptop at home for more detailed financial management. Strong Wi-Fi connection at home and work; relies on 4G when outside.
What Matters Most:
  1. Security: Wants her financial data and transactions to be secure.
  2. Accessibility: Needs 24/7 access to her accounts, especially on mobile.
  3. Ease of Use: Prefers a simple and intuitive interface.
  4. Quick Customer Support: Expects swift resolution in case of any issues.
  5. Financial Growth: Looking for tools and advice to grow her savings and investments.
Potential Difficulties (Pain Points):
  • Finding it hard to understand some banking jargon and terms used in the app.
  • Frustrated by slow loading times during peak hours.
  • Difficulty in navigating the multitude of features offered by the software.
  • Unclear instructions or processes when applying for loans or other products.
  • Concerns about the clarity and transparency of the bank's fees.